By Gabbi Tuft

Transgender weight loss

Transgender weight loss with Gabbi Tuft

One of the topics I'm always asked about is transgender weight loss. Specifically, I get asked, "Gabbi, how did you lose all the weight?" or "Gabbi, how did you lose all the muscle mass."

My answer isn't as straightforward as some may hope BUT I do have an answer that will provide hope to those in search of it.

It was decades of knowledge in the fitness industry in making, coupled with being married to a Master Sports Nutritionist for 20 years, countless hours of research, experimentation on myself, and an unyielding determination to meet my goals.

For many trans women who transition later in life, we share a similar situation whereby our year of living life as a male and having our bodies flooded with testosterone led to larger amounts of muscle mass on our frames than we desire. Very specifically, our upper bodies retain much more muscle mass than we typically hope to see as a transitioning female. 

Gabbi Tuft, transgender woman, before and after weight loss

One might think that hormone replacement therapy with estrogen and progesterone would ultimately cause the muscle mass to dissipate but the reality is, it only helps a small amount.

Our bodies have what I call a "setpoint." This is the homeostasis of muscle mass, and body fat, that we've been living with the majority of our lives. It's our body's "go-to" ratio of muscle and fat, and it's why we, as trans women, have a difficult time obtaining the feminine aesthetic we want so badly.

After two years of experimentation on myself with different nutrition styles, extrapolating data from numerous studies on muscle atrophy and applying it, trial an error with various workout styles, I finally found a solution for transgender women that results in muscle loss and weight loss - the healthy and sustainable way.

I developed a four-phase program that incorporates all of my research and have been using it to melt the muscle mass and body fat off of my frame. When I opened up my online personal fitness coaching books to other transgender women, as well as the general public, I used this same program to obtain similar results with each of my transgender clients.

The methodology works, and it works incredibly well.

Trans weight loss with Gabbi Tuft

It's very specific nutrition that changes as we progress through the phases of the program. It's also timed nutrition, a specific style of workouts coupled with a specific style of cardio - and the results speak for themselves.

If you are a trans woman looking for help losing muscle mass, body fat, or generally feminizing your physique, I have openings monthly that are filled on a first-come first-served basis. Spots are limited due to the fact these are 1-on-1 virtual coaching sessions and my clients meet with me face to face on Zoom calls.

You can check availability and sign-up for the program here.